Upcoming Events
Comments from past workshop participants
"No matter how much research you do on the subject, nothing is more reassuring as a beginner than seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling aquaponics in action, and having it explained from the ground up by people who are living it."
"Jon Parr is on the leading edge of aquaponic system design and the class was extremely valuable in giving me a strong understanding how to get the most productivity out of a system."
Descriptions of all of our workshops are listed below. Prices vary based on topic.
All workshops include lunch, and some written material.
Aquaponics I - Beginner
What is aquaponics?
What are the benefits?
What are the drawbacks?
How can I successfully start a backyard system?
How much does it cost?
Our Intro to AP is a one-day, hands-on Saturday (usually) class designed for beginners. We have 3 or more trainers to maximize your time with us and create a comfortable learning environment. Join us as we cover the basics of water chemistry, flood and drain plumbing, bell siphons, and construction necessary for a successful AP system.
Following the class will be a tour of the host site farm, free for the class and the public. Kits available at class to take home.
Cost: $100, 20% discount for students and groups
Includes: Workbook and lunch from the farm
Aquaponics II - Intermediate
Taking the next step.
How can I improve or expand my system?
Can aquaponics replace the grocery store?
What issues will I face with a larger garden?
Our Intermediate class is a one-day, hands-on class designed for those who have completed the Intro, or equivalent. We will get into more detail on water chemistry, plant/fish biology and health, pest management, crop selection, and smart design for maximum output with minimal input. After lunch, we will build a hybrid media/DWC floating raft system completely from start to finish. Hard to find items available for sale at class, such as lettuce rafts, DuraSkrim liner, IHort plugs and trays, Uni-seals, bulkhead fittings, and live fish fingerlings.
Cost: $200, 20% discount for students and groups
Includes: Workbook and lunch from the farm
Am I ready for the big league?
Can I sell my surplus?
How can I keep my garden producing all year long?
Our Advanced class is an intensive, two day class designed to handle all the questions you may have about taking your system to a larger design, understanding the chemistry and biology of aquaponics, breeding fish, selling your surplus, and doing it all with minimal input. You absolutely must have taken the preceding classes, or be very well versed and experienced in aquaponics beforehand, because we will not be repeating basics.
We will cover in detail: water chemistry and quality, beneficial bacterial requirements, several methods of handling solids, fish breeding, culture of zooplankton for larval fish, IPM (integrated pest management), all natural pest treatments that do not conflict with IPM, pathogen elimination, troubleshooting, and advanced sytem design. There will be a hands-on build of a complete unit.
Cost: $350 (total for both days)
20% discount for students and groups
Includes: Workbook and lunch from the farm.
Beneficial Microbes & Worm Tea
Cultivating microbial brews to enhance your garden!
Aerobic worm tea can be used in almost any facet of gardening. Our special blend of Anaerobicbacteria can be used to improve nutrient availability, water quality, pathogen resistance, and even pest management. Both microbial teas can be used as foliar spray, or be added directly to soils, compost bins, ponds, and aquaponic systems.
We will build a unique, simple, inexpensive, and easy aerobic worm casting tea brewer (55 gal), and share the secrets of our garden "pro-biotic" and how to brew and endless supply of your own.
Cost: $150, 20% discount for students and groups
Includes: Workbook, lunch, & 1 qt. each of BREWS
Bio-Char Gardening
Convert your yard clippings into a soil amendment. This light-weight medium is ideal for aquaponic gardens.
We will discuss the history and modern applications for homemade bio-char. This ancient agricultural practice was used to construct the abundantly rich soils of Terra Preta, the American prairie, and other fertile lands. Bio-char keeps soil loose for aeration, provides structure for bacterial action, and stores nutrients like a sponge until plants need them. Fertilizer, compost, and amendments will last for many many years, rather than being carried away my the first rains. For more char info CLICK HERE
Join us we make a 50 gal batch in an indirect retort, and make a TLUD char-maker.
Cost: $120, 20% discount for students and groups
Includes: Lunch from the farm
Greenhouse Design
Learn smart design tactics for your greenhouse to extend your growing season and self-reliance, without costly waste of electricity and resources.
Greenhouses are essential for year-round production of food, which is essential to reduction of global impact each of us are responsible for, not to mention a great place to spend a dreary winter day! Plants, bacteria, fish, and perhaps even humans, all thrive in the high 70's. We will cover tactics like geothermal heating/cooling, thermal mass, convection, insulation, and passive architecture, as well as modern technologies to create the perfect greenhouse.
Cost: $120, 20% discount for students and groups
Includes: Workbook and lunch from the farm