In the Media
SchoolGrown: Is Aquaponics the Next Big Thing in Education?
Ignite Channel, Kimberly Lauren Bryant, January 27, 2016
New greenhouse at San Lorenzo Valley High takes root
Santa Cruz Sentinel, Calvin Men, August 24th, 2015
Visionary Aquaponics with Maribou Latour
A podcast created for you, the Aquaponics Entrepreneur, the Aquapreneur, and those who want to take their Aquaponics to the next level.
Aquaponics Survival Magazine
Featured SchoolGrown as the cover story of their 24th edition, February 2015 online magazine. We are able to provide the article about SchoolGrown, and you can download that with the button below.
Nonprofit hopes to spread aquaponic farming to schools around the country
PBS Newshour, CAT WISE June 23, 2015
the Art of Epic Wellness
The Art of Epic Wellness is a Podcast Designed to Help You Create Your Wellness Journey. With host: Nicole Keating
My Aquaponics Adventure!
Talented young upcoming blogger, Amita Gowda, an 8 years old volunteer of Green Kids Now visited SchoolGrown One.
Check out her review of her tour: